Professional Real Estate Video Production Services in Denver, Co

Elevate Your Real Estate Business with Stunning, High-Quality Videos

Versatile Video Solutions Tailored for Every Real Estate Need

At Radiant Estate Cinema, we understand that real estate marketing extends far beyond showcasing properties. That's why we offer a full spectrum of video production services designed to meet every aspect of your real estate business. From captivating testimonial videos that build trust and credibility, to comprehensive brand videos that tell your unique story, we cover it all. Our marketing and training video solutions are crafted to enhance your visibility and educate your team, ensuring you're equipped to succeed in today's competitive market. Partner with us to leverage the power of professional video content and watch your engagement soar.

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Here is a list of our services

Unlock the Potential of Every Property with Cinematic Listing Videos

This emotionally powerful human interest documentary chronicles the journey of Radiant Estate Cinema, an inspiring teenager overcoming homelessness. Filmed in cinema vérité style, our team captured authentic footage over two years to showcase the subject's incredible perseverance in finishing high school amid adversity. Powerful direct interviews and vérité visuals received praise from film festival audiences and critics alike after the film's release. The Story of Radiant Estate Cinema demonstrates our expertise with stylized documentaries focused on compelling social justice narratives.

Define Your Brand with Signature Agent Profiles

This ongoing commercial campaign produces smart branded shorts promoting the luxury Radiant Estate Cinema community. Mixing stunning aerial shots with family lifestyle segments, we created an extended narrative across a series of 1-2 minute spots aired on local cable and the brand's social channels. Smart SEO and social promotion of the videos drove strong interest in Highland Creek from prospective new residents. Our work showcases adept brand messaging through creative, continuity-driven short form video ads.

Build Trust With Authentic Testimonial Videos

Leverage the power of satisfaction with client testimonial videos. We capture genuine experiences and success stories from your past clients, providing solid proof of your expertise and exceptional service, essential for building trust and credibility.

Explore Local Charms with Dynamic Neighborhood Tours

Attract more buyers with dynamic tours of neighborhoods and communities. These videos showcase local amenities, schools, and lifestyle, helping potential buyers visualize their future in a new area, especially useful for those relocating.

Amplify Your Reach with Strategic Real Estate Marketing Videos

Drive your real estate campaigns to success with strategic marketing videos. Tailored for impact, these videos enhance your promotional efforts across digital ads, social media, and beyond, maximizing exposure and engagement.

Empower Your Team with Comprehensive Training Videos

Keep your team at the top of their game with our comprehensive training videos. From onboarding new agents to refreshing advanced skills, our educational content is accessible and informative, perfect for fostering a knowledgeable and efficient team.

Radiant Estate Cinema Commercial Campaign

This ongoing commercial campaign produces smart branded shorts promoting the luxury Radiant Estate Cinema community. Mixing stunning aerial shots with family lifestyle segments, we created an extended narrative across a series of 1-2 minute spots aired on local cable and the brand's social channels. Smart SEO and social promotion of the videos drove strong interest in Highland Creek from prospective new residents. Our work showcases adept brand messaging through creative, continuity-driven short form video ads.

Gary Gallardo Radiant Estate Cinema


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Radiant Estate Cinema - About Us

Beyond just video production.

Cutting-Edge Technology and Techniques

Our commitment to utilizing the latest digital camera technologies and innovative post-production methods ensures that each video we produce is of the highest quality. Our clients benefit from state-of-the-art visuals that not only capture the essence of each property but also engage potential buyers more effectively. This technological edge makes it possible to present properties in their best light, enhancing buyer interest and helping close sales faster.

Customized Creative Solutions

At InTransit Films, we understand that each client's needs are unique. Our multifaceted staff of cinematographers, graphic designers, and animators possess the creative versatility to tailor every project to the specific requirements of our clients. Whether it’s capturing the architectural beauty of a luxury estate or highlighting the intimate details of a cozy home, our team’s expertly crafted videos are customized to maximize the appeal of each listing, ensuring that every project resonates deeply with its intended audience.

Timely Delivery Without Compromising Quality

Our professional team excels under pressure and is adept at managing tight deadlines without sacrificing quality. We pride ourselves on efficient workflow and communication, which allows us to deliver projects on schedule and meet urgent client demands. This reliability is crucial for real estate agents who require quick turnaround times to capitalize on market trends and buyer interest, providing them with a competitive advantage in a fast-paced industry.



  • Concept Development: Define goals, key messages, and target audience collaboratively.

  • Location Scouting: Identify, inspect locations to best showcase property features.

  • Scriptwriting: Craft compelling scripts highlighting property's unique selling points.

  • Scheduling and Planning: Coordinate shooting times, prepare equipment and personnel

  • Compliance and Permissions: Secure necessary permits, adhere to advertising regulations..


  • Professional Filming: Capture stunning visuals using high-quality cameras, equipment.

  • Lighting and Sound Setup: Optimize lighting, sound for visual appeal, clarity.

  • Agent and Client Coaching: Guide on-camera performance for natural, engaging results.

  • Dynamic Shooting Techniques: Include drones, gimbals, and detailed close-ups.

  • Safety and Efficiency: Ensure safe environment, minimize property disruptions.


  • Editing and Assembly: Assemble footage to dynamically engage and tell stories.

  • Color Grading: Enhance footage quality with professional color correction.

  • Sound Design and Music: Add music, voice-overs, sound effects for emotional impact.

  • Graphics and Animations: Integrate property details, branding, and call-to-action graphics.

  • Review and Revisions: Draft review, revisions to ensure video meets objectives.

Obtain an initial cost estimate

for your upcoming project.


What types of video services do you offer?

We specialize in property listing videos, agent branding, client testimonials, neighborhood tours, and much more. Each service is tailored to meet the unique needs of real estate professionals.

How long does it take to produce a video?

The production timeline varies based on the project's complexity. Listing videos are about 48-72 hour turnaround. More complex agent or testimonial video typically ranging from a few days to a couple of weeks. We prioritize efficient processes without compromising quality.

What is required from me during the video production process?

Your involvement can vary from providing property access to participating in on-camera segments. We handle all the technical aspects, ensuring a smooth production.

What makes your video production service stand out?

Our use of the latest technology, a creative approach to storytelling, and a team of experienced professionals ensure a superior final product that stands out in the market.

Do you provide video marketing services as well?

Yes, we offer comprehensive video marketing solutions that include distribution strategy and promotional support to maximize your video’s reach and impact.

What are the costs associated with producing a video?

Costs vary depending on the type of video, length, and specific requirements. We provide detailed quotes after understanding your project needs to ensure transparency.

Can you provide examples of successful projects similar to mine?

Costs vary depending on the type of video, length, and specific requirements. We provide detailed quotes after understanding your project needs to ensure transparency.

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Denver Based, Travel Ready

Email: [email protected]

Denver, CO, USA

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